Terms and Conditions

For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 the proprietor and operator of the AI Insurance Solutions website at www.aiinsurancesolutions.co.uk (the “Website”) is AI Insurance Solutions Limited, (registered company number 4720264) whose registered office is 8 Mid Park, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland, G75 0BZ (“we,” “us,” “our” or “AIIS”). AIIS can be contacted via the contact section on the Website or by writing to our correspondence address at 8 Mid Park, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland, G75 0BZ. AI Insurance Solutions respects the privacy of each user accessing the Website (“you,” “your”) and is committed to protecting your privacy. AI Insurance Solutions has structured the Website so that, in general, it is not necessary to provide any personal information. However to use certain parts of the Website it is necessary to identify yourself. AI Insurance Solutions ensures that any personal information provided by you to AI Insurance Solutions will be processed in accordance with the six principles of the Data Protection Act 2018 and our Privacy Policy set out below.

What personal data we collect
We collect personal data when you browse our site and when you submit a form. This information is used to help us connect you with the right service, to inform our online advertising and to analyse how visitors use our site.
The personal data we collect from you when you submit a form:
Email address;
Phone number;
When you visit our site we may also use cookies or similar technology to collect extra data, including:
IP address;
Geographical location;
Browser version;
Internet service provider;
your browsing history of the content you have visited on our site, including information on how you were referred to our site via another website or advertising campaign;
details of your device, for example, the unique advertising ID.
The types of personal information you provide to us may include material comprising sensitive personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018, including information on your racial or ethnic origin, your political opinions, your religious beliefs, any trade union activity you are or have been involved in, your physical or mental health or condition, your sexual life, the commission of any offences by you or any proceedings relating to a criminal offence. We will never ask for any of this information.  Where comments or posts are used on the Website information of this type submitted by you will be used only to display the comment or post that you submit.
How we collect personal data
We collect personal data when you:
Complete a Contact form;
Complete a Demo Request form;
Sign up to join our Mailing List for marketing communications;
Complete a Price Enquiry form;
Access our site through cookies and other similar technology;
When you contact us via email, social media, or similar technologies or when you mention us on social media.
Why we use your personal data
We use personal data collected through our site for a number of purposes, including the following:
To contact you when you have submitted an enquiry form about our services. We also use the personal data for related internal administrative purposes - such as our accounting and records - and to make you aware of any changes to our services.
To send marketing communications when we have your permission, or when permitted by law.
To personalise our services, remembering your settings, displaying personalised advertising as well as measuring how effective our online adverts are, recognising you when you sign in on different devices and tailoring our marketing communications based on what you read on our site.
To carry out marketing analysis, for example we look at what you have viewed on our site and what products and services you have viewed to better understand what your interests and preferences are, and to improve our marketing by making it more relevant to your interests and preferences.
To improve our marketing communications, we use a similar technology to cookies to confirm whether you have opened a marketing email or clicked on a link in the email.
For statistical purposes such as analysing the performance of our site and to understand how visitors use them.
To respond to your queries and to resolve complaints.
To display of any comments or posts that you submit and contacting you regarding responses to those comments or posts. 
For security and fraud prevention, and to ensure that our site is safe and secure and used in line with our terms of use.
To comply with applicable laws and regulations.
You agree to the use of your personal data you have provided to us for the above purposes. If we wish to use your personal data you have provided to us for new or different purposes, other than for which it was originally supplied, we will request your written permission first.  You agree that if we transfer ownership or management of the Website or AI Insurance Solutions to a third party we may also transfer your personal data or other personal data you have provided to us, including all sensitive personal data and any other information about you to such third party, provided such third party agrees to observe this policy.
The Website makes it clear at the point of submission where information will be available for others to view. Where the Website makes this clear, you consent to all use and dissemination of the information via the Website. Specifically, your personal data and sensitive personal data will be available online if you include any such data in items uploaded to the Website. You hereby consent to this use of your personal data as described above. With regard to any sensitive personal data (as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018) which we collect from you, upon submission of any items including such data through the Website, you hereby expressly consent to our processing of such sensitive personal data for the purpose of the inclusion of that sensitive personal data on the Website. 
Grounds for using personal data
We will only use your personal data where we have a legal ground to do so. We determine the legal grounds based on the purposes for which we have collected and used your personal data. In every case, the legal ground will be one of the following:
Consent: For example, where you have provided your consent to receive marketing emails from us. You can withdraw your consent at any time. In the case of marketing emails you can withdraw your consent by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email.
Our legitimate interests: Where it is necessary for us to understand our visitors, promote our services and operate our site efficiently. For example, we will rely on our legitimate interest when we analyse what content has been viewed on our site, so that we can understand how they are used. It is also in our legitimate interest to carry out marketing analysis to determine what products and services may be relevant to the interests of our users. You can opt out from having your personal data used for marketing analysis by removing your cookies from your browser or by submitting a Subject Access Request to us.
Performance of a contract with you (or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract with you): For example, where you have purchased a product from us and we need to use your contact details and payment information in order to process your order and deliver your product.
Compliance with law: In some cases, we may have a legal obligation to use or keep your personal data.
Security of personal data
Transmission of data and information via the Website is not a secure or encrypted transmission method for sending your personal data, unless otherwise indicated on the Website. Accordingly, your attention is drawn to the fact that any information and personal data carried over the Internet is not secure. Information and personal data may be intercepted, lost, redirected, corrupted, changed and accessed by other people.
As an ISO/IEC 27001 certified organisation we set strict security standards once we have received your personal data
to prevent unauthorised access to your personal data;
to protect your personal data against unauthorised processing, accidental loss, damage or destruction;
to maintain accuracy.
Where possible we will use security software and physical, electronic, and managerial processes to ensure the security of your personal data.
Who we share your personal data with
We do not share your personal data and it is not passed to anyone outside our organisation unless required by law or expressly agreed by you. Cookie data pertaining to yourself maybe collected and shared with our third party advertiser Google Adwords to inform our marketing activities based on your behaviour on our site but this information is purely based on your geolocation, device and browsing history. 
How long we keep your personal data
We keep your personal data for only as long as we need to. How long we need you personal data depends on what we are using it for, as set out in this privacy policy. For example, we may need to use it to answer your queries about a product or service and as a result may keep personal data while you are still using our product or services. We may also need to keep your personal data for accounting purposes, for example, where you have bought a subscription. If we no longer need your data, we will delete it or make it anonymous by removing all details that identify you. If we have asked for your permission to process your personal data and we have no other lawful grounds to continue with that processing, and you withdraw your permission, we will delete your personal data. However, when you unsubscribe from marketing communications, we will keep your email address to ensure that we do not send you any marketing in future.
Subject Access Rights
Under the Data Protection Act 2018, we have to provide you, as a “data subject” with a readable copy of all personal data which we may hold about you, within 40 days of receiving your written request for us to provide it. Evidence or proof of your identity (for example, a copy of your passport, driver's licence or current bills) will be required. It is both in our interest and yours to store and process accurate personal data. If the data we hold about you is inaccurate in any way, where appropriate, you may have your personal data corrected by us on request by having it:
and/or erased.
Please contact us to update any of your personal data or to request access to your personal data using the form on the contact page. We reserve the right to refuse to provide you with a copy of your personal data based on the exemptions set out in the Data Protection Act 2018, but if we do refuse we will give reasons for our refusal and allow you to challenge our decision.
Third Party Websites
Parts of our Website contain links to third party websites (“Third Party Websites”) for your convenience and information. If you use these links, you will leave this Website. When you access a Third Party Website, please understand that we do not control the content of that Third Party Website and are not responsible for the privacy practices of that Third Party Website. We suggest that you carefully review the privacy policies of each Third Party Website that you visit. This Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of those Third Party Websites linked to our Website. Third Party Websites may send their own cookies to users, collect personal data, or solicit personal information. Third Party Websites may operate different privacy practices to this Website. Links to Third Party Websites on the Website do not imply that AI Insurance Solutions endorses those Third Party Sites or agrees with any of the views or information set out on such Third Party Websites.
Automatic Collection of Data
All networks connected to the Internet communicate in “IP” (Internet Protocol), which is a technical standard that allows data to be transmitted between two devices. “TCP/IP” (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is responsible for making sure messages get from one host to another and that the messages are understood. An IP address is a string of code which identifies your personal computer and tells the Internet that you are connected. The Website does not automatically store or capture personal data except for logging your IP address. We do not link information automatically logged in this way by any means with personal data about specific individuals. We also use cookies to store information about you. Cookies are small files which are sent by our web server to your computer and stored locally. The web server that issued the cookie can then read the file when you visit our site in future and recognise the visitor. We use cookies to track visitors through the web site, this is used for analysing traffic and users journeys and is used to identify individuals. If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, please refer to the instructions for your file manager (Windows Explorer, Nautilus etc.) to locate the file or directory that stores cookies. Information on deleting or controlling cookies is also available at www.aboutcookies.org
If you have any feedback or questions about AI Insurance Solutions's use of your personal information or about this online Privacy Policy, please contact us using the form on the contact page. If you send us personal data via email, we will use it to respond to your information request. If you e-mail us, or give us your email address, we will keep a record of it. We will not give your e-mail address to any unauthorised third parties. Note that communications via e-mail or otherwise are strictly governed by and subject to AI Insurance Solutions terms set out on the Website. When you e-mail us please remember that the content of your e-mail is not secure and could be intercepted. Accordingly, please keep the amount of confidential information to a minimum and we will do likewise when we reply.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
AI Insurance Solutions will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on our Website from time to time. Please be sure to regularly check our Privacy Policy before using the Website. Regardless of any changes we make to our Privacy Policy, we will always use your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy in place at the time you provide your information and the Data Protection Act 2018, unless you give your express consent for us to do otherwise.